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Viewing Hairspray (1988)


After watching the 1988 version of Hairspray, it is clearly a fun film that captures the 60s life perfectly- focusing on the music and dancing along with the wacky hairstyles. However, after researching into the film, it is clear that the film also has a deeper message that everyone should be considered as equal and integrated. one of my favourite things about the film is the many fun and amusing characters that puts a smile on everyone's faces that watch the film.

The film 'Hairspray' is seen to touch up on the racial attitudes that were present during the 60's. Although its commentary on such themes is subtle and portrayed in a fun way, it gets across the important message to the audience.

Every actor and actress brings something different and enjoyable to the screen allowing the audience to fully relax and switch off when watching the film. It also portrays that John Waters is a capable director producing a mainstream film. I would recommend Hairspray as a film worth seeing. It is also a film that surprised me as I didn't expect to enjoy it as much as I did, but I did.

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