After watching the film '8 1/2,' I enjoyed the originality of the film being told from the director's point of view clearly made to represent Fellini. I particularly enjoyed how the film entered and contrasted between fantasy and reality creating an almost juxtaposition throughout the film. However, this left me feeling confused at certain points as I was not able to distinguish between what was real and what was taking place in the character's head.
My favourite thing about the film was how it was a film bursting with imagination and creativity with all of the images artistically coming together to portray Fellini's imagination. This is also portrayed through his use of actors. They often seem to be dancing rather than walking, further helping to create a magical feel. The music brought life to their movements adding rhythm almost reminding me of a circus performance. I also noticed that he prefers to establish a scene with a master shot followed by a close-up of the character standing in front of the camera- a shot I believe works well and is effective for the audience as it feels like the character has come to the frame to greet us.
Overall I would recommend watching this film for its originality and to be taken to a world of imagination.