This was another introduction task we carried out to get to know one another in the course. I worked with Olivia where we were given a few minutes to complete different drawings. We had to create a scene drawing of a house on a hill, followed by a drawing of a pig. From the drawing of the pig, we carried out a psychological analysis by looking at our different styles of drawing e.g. the tail size, ear size, direction it is facing and the positioning of the pig on the page. I found out that I am creative, grounded and determined.
Our next activity was to get into pairs (preferably with someone we hadn't yet spoken to) and draw each other on A3 pieces of paper. I found this a daunting experience drawing someone we didn't know as I didn't want of offend her however the drawing turned out reasonably well and looked somewhat like her. For future practice with drawing, I would make sure to add more depth and detail to the background through shading however overall I am happy with the proportions of the face.
We then had to draw a frame around the face, resembling a 16;9 format to mirror a TV screen. This will later link and enhance our skills in storyboarding and life drawing on the course as we will only have a set amount of time to complete each frame/drawing. Overall I really enjoyed this activity and got to know Olivia and her hobbies.