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Collab 1- First Session


During our first session, we carried out interactive tasks in groups that included students from a range of courses to get to know one another. We then went on to explore the variety of red objects we were asked to bring in to find out how they were sentimental and meaningful to us and whether they fell into the categories of fun, tasty, functional or decorative.

Using the red items, we then constructed a small set design- my group chose to create a Christmas Candyland to film our short film. We followed the narrative that the Santa model destroyed the set by eating the sweets from the design. We had a lot of fun creating and filming and got to know one another quite well. From this we now have to carry out a digital portfolio adding our work.

I felt that I worked very well in the group setting as we all contributed our ideas and shared the workload evenly, working collaboratively. I am going to use these teambuilding and problem solving skills throughout all my projects during set design.

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